20Disponibilità: DisponibileScopri l'universo inimitabile di HR Giger in questa presentazione del maestro che ha dato espressione agli orrori e alle fantasie collettive della nostra epoca. Dalle paure dell'infanzia ad Alien, Giger ci guida personalmente attraverso la sua multiforme carriera con saggi autobiografici intimi, riproduzioni e disegni dettagliati e una prefazione di Timothy Leary.

20Master of Horror
The powerful world of HR Giger
The visions drew on demons of the past, harking back as far as Giger’s earliest childhood fears as well as evoking mythologies for the future. Above all, they gave expression to the collective fears and fantasies of his age: fear of the atom, of pollution and wasted resources, and of a future in which our bodies depend on machines for survival.
From surrealist dream landscapes created with a spray gun and stencils to album cover designs, from guillotine-like sculptures to self-designed bars, Giger personally guides us through his multi-faceted universe in this definitive introduction to a master of horror. Detailed reproductions and designs and a foreword by Timothy Leary complement Giger’s intimate autobiographical texts.
HR Giger (1940–2014) was a Swiss painter, sculptor, and designer, who combined surrealist influences and dark fantasies to create his very own biomechanical universe. He first received acclaim in the 1960s with his airbrushed fantasies of post-apocalyptic creatures and landscapes, and rose to fame through high profile movie work, most notably the creation of the monster in Alien, which won the Academy Award for Best Visual Effects.
Copertina rigida, 21 x 26 cm, 0.63 kg, 96 pagineISBN 978-3-8365-3419-2
Edizione: FranceseISBN 978-3-8365-3420-8
Edizione: IngleseISBN 978-3-8365-4058-2
Edizione: SpagnoloNata nel 1985, la serie Basic Art è diventata la collezione di libri d’arte più venduta al mondo. Ogni libro della serie Basic Art di TASCHEN contiene:
• una cronologia dettagliata riassuntiva della vita e delle opere dell’artista, inserito nel contesto storico e culturale in cui è vissuto
• una biografia concisa
• circa 100 illustrazioni con didascalie esplicative