Sebastião Salgado. Genesis. Art Edition No. 101–200 ‘North of the Ob River, Yamal Peninsula, Siberia, Russia’
10000Edizione: IngleseDisponibilità: DisponibileArt Edition (No. 101–200), with a Tadao Ando bookstand and the print North of the Ob River, Yamal Peninsula, Siberia, Russia (2011), signed by Sebastião Salgado

Sebastião Salgado. GENESIS, Art Edition No. 101–200 ‘North of the Ob River, Yamal Peninsula, Siberia, Russia’
10000Salgado’s Masterpiece: GENESIS – Earth Eternal
The companion volume to the world’s best attended photo show
On over 30 trips—by foot, light aircraft, boats, canoes, and even balloons, through extreme temperatures and in sometimes dangerous conditions—Salgado has created a collection of images showing us nature, animals, and indigenous peoples in such intense beauty it takes our breath away. The reach is truly global. Through Salgado’s lens, one discovers the animal species and volcanoes of the Galápagos; the penguins, sea lions, cormorants, and whales of the South Atlantic; Brazilian alligators and jaguars; and African lions, leopards, and elephants. We travel over icebergs in the Antarctic, the volcanoes of Central Africa, the ravines of the Grand Canyon, and the glaciers of Alaska. We encounter the Stone Age Korowai people of West Papua, nomadic Dinka cattle farmers in Sudan, Nenets and their reindeer herds in the Arctic Circle, as well as the Mentawai jungle communities on islands west of Sumatra.
In characteristic monochrome, Salgado’s painterly notes are perfectly tuned to these sublime scenes, capturing sweeping aerial panoramas as much as the most intricate details and textures, from a reptilian skin to the fur coat of the Nenet people of northern Siberia. The exquisitely reproduced images are arranged not by theme but rather conceived as a journey around the globe, immersing them in Salgado’s vision of the Earth’s mesmerizing scale, order, and beauty.
This two-volume SUMO-size Art Edition is designed and edited by Lélia Wanick Salgado and numbered and signed by Sebastião Salgado. Leather-bound, it is presented with a bookstand in cherry wood veneer designed by Tadao Ando and a clothbound caption book explaining each stunning shot.
Art Edition (No. 101–200), with a Tadao Ando bookstand and the print North of the Ob River, Yamal Peninsula, Siberia, Russia (2011), signed by Sebastião Salgado.
Also available in four other Art Editions of 100 copies each and in a signed Collector’s Edition of 2,500 copies (No. 501–3,000).
Il designer del leggio
Tadao Ando, nato nel 1941, è uno degli architetti contemporanei più famosi al mondo. Ex boxer, decise di intraprendere gli studi di architettura due anni dopo essersi diplomato. È l’unico architetto ad aver vinto tutti i quattro premi più prestigiosi del settore: Pritzker, Carlsberg, Praemium Imperiale e Kyoto Prize. Attualmente lavora a Osaka, sua città natale.
Il fotografo
Sebastião Salgado ha iniziato la sua carriera come fotografo professionista a Parigi nel 1973, lavorando in seguito con le agenzie fotografiche Sygma, Gamma e Magnum. Nel 1994, insieme alla moglie Lélia, ha fondato Amazonas Images, agenzia che gestisce in esclusiva la sua opera. I suoi progetti fotografici sono stati esposti in molte mostre e pubblicati in numerosi libri, tra cui Other Americas (1986), Sahel: L’Homme en détresse (1986), Terra (1997), In Cammino (2000), Ritratti, (2000), Africa (2007), Genesi (2013), Exodus (2016), Kuwait (2016), Gold (2019) e Amazônia (2021).
Sebastião Salgado. Genesis. Art Edition No. 101–200 ‘North of the Ob River, Yamal Peninsula, Siberia, Russia’
Edition of 100Gelatin silver print on Ilford FB warmtone paper, 33.5 x 24.5 cm on 40 x 30 cm paper, 2 hardcover volumes, leather-bound, 46.8 x 70 cm, 704 pages, with booklet and wooden bookstand designed by Tadao AndoISBN 978-3-8365-4370-5
Edizione: IngleseNon sono state ancora pubblicate recensioni per questo articolo. Sii il primo a valutare questo prodotto.