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All-American Ads of the 50s
40Edizione: Multilingue (Francese, Inglese, Spagnolo, Tedesco)Disponibilità: aprile 4, 2025Una miriade di pubblicità degli anni Cinquanta che coprono praticamente tutto ciò che il dollaro poteva comprare, dalle vacanze a Las Vegas alle sigarette per stimolare il buonumore. Più che un resoconto di prodotti e campagne pubblicitarie del passato, questi coloratissimi annunci forniscono una testimonianza evocativa della vita quotidiana americana quando il maccartismo e il capitalismo dominavano la società.
Copertina rigida, 7.7 x 10.0 in., 4.77 lb, 640 pagine

All-American Ads of the 50s
40Advertising in the Atomic Age
From “The World’s Finest Automatic Washer” to the Cadillac which “Gives a Man a New Outlook”
As McCarthyism swept across the United States and capitalism was king, white America enjoyed a feeling of pride and security that was reflected in advertising. Carelessly flooding society with dangerous misinformation, companies in the 50s promoted everything from vacations in Las Vegas, where guests could watch atomic bombs detonate, to cigarettes as healthy mood-enhancers, promoted by a baby who claims his mother feels better after she smokes a Marlboro.
From “The World’s Finest Automatic Washer” to the Cadillac which “Gives a Man a New Outlook,” you’ll find a colorful plethora of ads for just about anything the dollar could buy. Oh, and “Have you noticed how many of your neighbors are using Herman Miller furniture these days?” If only you could really travel back in time and pick up a few chairs for your collection...
From “The World’s Finest Automatic Washer” to the Cadillac which “Gives a Man a New Outlook,” you’ll find a colorful plethora of ads for just about anything the dollar could buy. Oh, and “Have you noticed how many of your neighbors are using Herman Miller furniture these days?” If only you could really travel back in time and pick up a few chairs for your collection...
Jim Heimann is the Executive Editor for TASCHEN. A cultural anthropologist, historian, and an avid collector, he has authored numerous titles on architecture, pop culture, and the history of Los Angeles and Hollywood, including TASCHEN’s Surfing, Los Angeles. Portrait of a City, California Crazy, and the All-American Ads series.
All-American Ads of the 50s
Copertina rigida, 19.6 x 25.5 cm, 2.16 kg, 640 pagineISBN 978-3-8365-5132-8
Edizione: Multilingue (Francese, Inglese, Spagnolo, Tedesco)Scarica qui le immagini del prodotto
17 febbraio 2024
Amazing product.
Beautiful book and photos.
SUPER WELL wrapped and protected!All-American Ads takes you to another time
3 novembre 2021
Beautifully illustrated collection of advertisements. Nostalgia 2.0. Takes you back to another time.Thought provoking
27 ottobre 2021
It´s often sentimental to look back, reminding you of the past. The same applies to this book. However, looking back gives you also a perspective - comparing now and then. In the ads from the fifties there is no danger in smoking - on the contrary and there are hardly any ads with coloured people except as servants and even those are few.