Understanding the World. The Atlas of Infographics
60Edizione: Multilingue (Francese, Inglese, Tedesco)Disponibilità: DisponibileCorredato di oltre 280 infografiche contemporanee e d’epoca, questo volume ci aiuta a comprendere il nostro mondo. Descrivendo lo stato attuale (e la formazione storica) di società, cultura, tecnologia, economia e ambiente, il libro presenta i migliori lavori di data design come pure un affascinante compendio dei luoghi e dei modi in cui viviamo.

Understanding the World. The Atlas of Infographics
60Planet on the page
A visual atlas with information graphics that explain our vast and fragile world
This expansive visual atlas presents the most exciting, creative and inspiring ways of explaining the world in information graphics. Divided into five chapters, the book covers the environment, technology, economics, society, and culture to reveal some of the Earth’s greatest intricacies in accessible visual form. Featuring more than 280 graphics, reproduced in large scale including seven fold-out spreads, the collection focuses on the 21st century, but also includes historical masterpieces to put our current situation into perspective.
Nigel Holmes introduces the book with an exclusive infographic of his own, while Sandra Rendgen provides an illustrated historical essay to explore how we have studied and interpreted our world over the centuries. With graphics drawn from such sources as Fortune, National Geographic, and The Guardian, this is not only a showcase of outstanding data design, but also a fascinating digest of where and how we live.
Sandra Rendgen studied art history and cultural studies in Berlin and Amsterdam. Her work both as an editor and in developing concepts for media installations concentrates at the interface between image culture and technology, with a particular focus on data visualization, interactive media and the history of how information is conveyed. She is the author of TASCHEN’s Information Graphics and Understanding the World.
Julius Wiedemann ha studiato graphic design e marketing, e ha lavorato come art editor per diverse riviste di design e digital media a Tokyo. Le sue numerose pubblicazioni per i tipi di TASCHEN dedicati ai media digitali includono Illustration Now!, Logo Design, Jazz Covers e Information Graphics.
Understanding the World. The Atlas of Infographics
Copertina rigida, 21 x 31.5 cm, 2.35 kg, 456 pagineISBN 978-3-8365-9496-7
Edizione: Multilingue (Francese, Inglese, Tedesco)Non sono state ancora pubblicate recensioni per questo articolo. Sii il primo a valutare questo prodotto.