The Package Design Book
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The Package Design Book
25All wrapped up
An international guide to contemporary packaging design
Featuring a selection of hundreds of works, this book brings together Pentawards winners from 2008 to 2016, providing a vivid demonstration of creativity in every form of packaging. Readers will discover, through product descriptions and plenty of images, what drives design industry leaders and agencies behind these creations, which permeate all aspects of our everyday lives. This well of inspiration will not just serve design and marketing professionals, but anyone with an interest in the creative process of packaging.
Gli editori
Pentawards is the leading worldwide network dedicated to packaging design. Committed to recognizing excellence in design and providing a source of inspiration, Pentawards connects the global packaging design community through their annual competition, conferences and networking events.
Julius Wiedemann ha studiato graphic design e marketing, e ha lavorato come art editor per diverse riviste di design e digital media a Tokyo. Le sue numerose pubblicazioni per i tipi di TASCHEN dedicati ai media digitali includono Illustration Now!, Logo Design, Jazz Covers e Information Graphics.
The Package Design Book
Copertina rigida, 14 x 19.5 cm, 0.91 kg, 576 pagineISBN 978-3-8365-5552-4
Edizione: Multilingue (Francese, Inglese, Tedesco)5.0