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Information Graphics

Save 30.01!
Edizione: Multilingue (Francese, Inglese, Tedesco)Disponibilità: Disponibile
Questa raccolta esplora lo sviluppo delle infografiche e della comunicazione visiva nell'era dei big data, dai grafici e dalle mappe alle statistiche e ai diagrammi. Più di 400 esempi eccezionali, provenienti dal giornalismo, dall'arte, dalla pubblica amministrazione e dall'istruzione, sono accompagnati da saggi sull'arte dell'infografica e da schede informative su ogni progetto trattato.
Hardcover with poster8.3 x 12.4 in.5.35 lb480 pagine
Information Graphics

Information Graphics

Save 30.01!

Seeing Is Understanding

How complex ideas are communicated via graphics

“If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.”
—Albert Einstein

Our everyday lives are filled with a massive flow of information that we must interpret in order to understand the world we live in. Considering the complex variety of data floating around us, sometimes the best—or even only—way to communicate is visually. This unique book presents a fascinating perspective on the subject, highlighting the work of the masters of the profession, creators of breakthroughs that have changed the way we communicate. Information Graphics has been conceived and designed not just for graphics professionals, but for anyone interested in the history and practice of communicating visually.

The in-depth introductory section, illustrated with over 60 images (each accompanied by an explanatory caption), features essays by Sandra Rendgen, Paolo Ciuccarelli, Richard Saul Wurman, and Simon Rogers. Looking back all the way to primitive cave paintings as a means of communication, this section gives readers an excellent overview of the subject. The second part of the book is entirely dedicated to contemporary works by today’s most renowned professionals, presenting 200 graphics projects, with over 400 examples—each with a fact sheet and an explanation of methods and objectives—divided into chapters by the topics Location, Time, Category, and Hierarchy.

  • 200 projects and over 400 examples of contemporary information graphics from all over the world—ranging from journalism to art, government, education, business and much more
  • Four essays about the development of information graphics since its beginnings

Sandra Rendgen studied art history and cultural studies in Berlin and Amsterdam. Her work both as an editor and in developing concepts for media installations concentrates at the interface between image culture and technology, with a particular focus on data visualization, interactive media and the history of how information is conveyed. She is the author of TASCHEN’s Information Graphics and Understanding the World.


Julius Wiedemann ha studiato graphic design e marketing, e ha lavorato come art editor per diverse riviste di design e digital media a Tokyo. Le sue numerose pubblicazioni per i tipi di TASCHEN dedicati ai media digitali includono Illustration Now!, Logo Design, Jazz Covers e Information Graphics.

Information Graphics
Hardcover with poster21 x 31.5 cm2.42 kg480 pagine

ISBN 978-3-8365-8383-1

Edizione: Multilingue (Francese, Inglese, Tedesco)
Scarica qui le immagini del prodotto



5 Valutazioni

Per appassionati

Fabio,28 ottobre 2021
Un bel testo che illustra (nel vero senso del termine) differenti modalità grafiche per comunicare dati e fatti più disparati. Con History of Information Graphics, sempre di Taschen, credo sia uno dei libri più esemplificativi dell’argomento.

Ideal not only for Accountants.

Adam M.,4 novembre 2021
I work as an accountant. What's more, my passion is photography and managing a blog. Visually providing the information is crucial in virtually all three of the aspects mentioned above. The book "Information Graphics" wonderfully inspires to provide information in a clear, graphic, but above all, unconventional way. I recommend the book not only to financiers but also, and perhaps above all, to artists who want to convey knowledge and inspiration to other people boldly and extraordinarily.

Very Good Introduction to Information Graphics

BCC,31 ottobre 2021
Lots of examples and interesting essays on information organization.

Excellent book

Marc,27 ottobre 2021
I like a good interesting read, and as TASCHEN books are expertly curated and printed in excellent vivid colours, I thought that this would be the book for me. So I started to read the section on the history of information graphics and I thought it was excellent. And so I am greatly looking forward to reading the rest!

Beautiful Book

Daniel,27 ottobre 2021
Great presentation, cover imagery and content. A must have for anyone who loves visualization of ideas, concepts and data.