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100 Filme der 1990er
50Missione compiuta: questa raccolta presenta i 100 film più amati e di successo degli anni '90, completi di fotogrammi, sinossi, analisi e curiosità. Negli anni '90, i registi Steven Soderbergh e Quentin Tarantino introdussero la narrazione non lineare, la CGI prese forma e James Cameron spese 200 milioni di dollari per un naufragio.
Copertina rigida, 7.7 x 10.0 in., 5.58 lb, 768 pagine

100 Movies of the 1990s
50As the 20th Century Came to a Close...
The ultimate 1990s movie compendium
The last decade of the 20th century consolidated once again the fascinating power of the silver screen, both by looking to the future and drawing on the past. It's no exaggeration to say that never before had there been a time when the cinema focused so ironically on its own vanity, and never had it been so intensely preoccupied with itself as a medium. Filmmakers like Steven Soderbergh, David Lynch, Quentin Tarantino, and Ang Lee created worlds that were as cryptic as they were disorientating, while James Cameron and Steven Spielberg conjured up ever more spectacular special effects.
Do you dream of wandering the desert with The English Patient? Could you save yourself from the doomed Titanic? Are you still convinced that There's Something About Mary? 100 Movies of the 1990s reviews cinema's most important events from 1991 to 2000 and brings to life a rich variety of movie highlights. The storyline and aesthetic characteristics of each film are presented in an incisive and informative way. Commentaries on actors, directors, and historical or technical aspects of cinema introduce additional features of interest. 100 Movies of the 1990s is specialized yet entertaining, clear yet challenging. A work resembling a great moment of cinema, unforgettable and utterly gripping.
Do you dream of wandering the desert with The English Patient? Could you save yourself from the doomed Titanic? Are you still convinced that There's Something About Mary? 100 Movies of the 1990s reviews cinema's most important events from 1991 to 2000 and brings to life a rich variety of movie highlights. The storyline and aesthetic characteristics of each film are presented in an incisive and informative way. Commentaries on actors, directors, and historical or technical aspects of cinema introduce additional features of interest. 100 Movies of the 1990s is specialized yet entertaining, clear yet challenging. A work resembling a great moment of cinema, unforgettable and utterly gripping.
Jürgen Müller è docente di Storia dell’arte moderna presso l’Università tecnica di Dresda. Dopo aver studiato storia dell’arte presso le università di Bochum, Münster, Pisa, Parigi e Amsterdam, ha lavorato come critico d’arte e curato numerose mostre. È inoltre il curatore della collana di TASCHEN dedicata ai migliori film di ogni decennio.
100 Filme der 1990er
Copertina rigida, 19.6 x 25.5 cm, 2.53 kg, 768 pagineScarica qui le immagini del prodotto
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