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100 Filme der 1980er
50Da Amadeus ad Aliens, da Velluto blu a Blade Runner, dai blockbuster epici alla fantascienza dark: i grandi film degli anni '80 erano sperimentali ed eccessivi. Questo compendio raccoglie i 100 film più influenti e di successo del decennio del mullet e delle spalline, completi di immagini scintillanti, trame dettagliate e curiosità.
Copertina rigida, 7.7 x 10.0 in., 5.87 lb, 820 pagine

100 Movies of the 1980s
Movies from the decade of excess, enormity, and experimentalism
From Aliens to Amadeus, get your fill of 1980s nostalgia with this movie bible of all things bold, bizarre, and boisterous. We've diligently compiled a list of the most influential films of the 1980s that's sure to please popcorn gobblers and highbrow chin-strokers alike. Adventurous, excessive, and experimental, ’80s cinema saw moviegoers get their kicks from pictures as wide-ranging as Blade Runner, Gandhi, and Blue Velvet.
Science fiction, horror, and action emerged as the defining genres of the decade, with non-human characters like E.T. winning the hearts of millions, and movies such as Ghostbusters and Back to the Future fused comedy and sci-fi to the delight of audiences everywhere. Inside this ’80s encyclopedia each movie masterpiece is profiled with stills, a synopsis, and cast, crew, and technical listings.
With high-concept Hollywood blockbusters, early CGI, and brilliant special effects, the 1980s saw the invention of a new reality, a movie-world so convincingly real—no matter how far-fetched—that spectators could not help but immerse themselves in it.
Science fiction, horror, and action emerged as the defining genres of the decade, with non-human characters like E.T. winning the hearts of millions, and movies such as Ghostbusters and Back to the Future fused comedy and sci-fi to the delight of audiences everywhere. Inside this ’80s encyclopedia each movie masterpiece is profiled with stills, a synopsis, and cast, crew, and technical listings.
With high-concept Hollywood blockbusters, early CGI, and brilliant special effects, the 1980s saw the invention of a new reality, a movie-world so convincingly real—no matter how far-fetched—that spectators could not help but immerse themselves in it.
Jürgen Müller è docente di Storia dell’arte moderna presso l’Università tecnica di Dresda. Dopo aver studiato storia dell’arte presso le università di Bochum, Münster, Pisa, Parigi e Amsterdam, ha lavorato come critico d’arte e curato numerose mostre. È inoltre il curatore della collana di TASCHEN dedicata ai migliori film di ogni decennio.
100 Filme der 1980er
Copertina rigida, 19.6 x 25.5 cm, 2.66 kg, 820 pagineScarica qui le immagini del prodotto
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