The Stan Lee Story
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Pubblicata per la prima volta come Collector's Edition firmata ed esaurita nel giro di una settimana, questa edizione del centenario è un resoconto senza precedenti della vita e dei tempi di Stan Lee, scritto e redatto con il Padrino dei fumetti in persona. La sua storia è narrata da Roy Thomas, che racconta il viaggio di Lee con un'interpretazione “che ti fa sentire lì”, insieme a fotografie mai viste prima, a fumetti originali e a rari facsimili di fumetti: un tributo degno del Man.

The Stan Lee Story
100Stan the Man
In onore della vita e dei tempi del nome più leggendario dei fumetti
Stanley Lieber began working at Timely Comics in 1940 at the age of 17 and found himself at the helm of the bullpen as its top editor just two years later. But it wasn’t until 1961 that he ignited a revolution known as the “Marvel Age of Comics.” With a legendary stable of art partners including Jack Kirby, Steve Ditko, John Romita, and Jim Steranko, Lee unleashed a dizzying cascade of seminal comicbook creations—the Fantastic Four, Hulk, Spider-Man, Thor, Iron Man, the X-Men, and the Avengers to name a few. After moving to Hollywood in 1980, he did it again, developing TV and film projects that laid the groundwork for the “Marvel movie.” Stan’s constant cameo presence in these billion-dollar worldwide events was a testament to his influence. As the man behind POW! Entertainment, he became a master of all media—working with rock stars and professional sports leagues, movie mavens and reality TV shows—reinforcing his creative stature the world over.
First published as a signed Collector’s Edition and sold out within a week, the book was written and edited with Lee himself. His tale is told by his successor at Marvel, renowned comics writer, editor, and historian Roy Thomas, who brings “you are there” insights and wide-eyed clarity to key moments of Lee’s journey to pop culture immortality. Featuring hundreds of treasures of comicbook art, intimate photographs sourced straight from his family archives, a foreword written by Lee himself, a novel-length essay and new epilogue by Thomas, and an appendix with complete reprints of Stan’s comics from throughout the decades, this is a titanic tribute worthy of the Man.
All Marvel characters are © MARVEL
Stan Lee (1922–2018) is known to millions as the man whose super heroes propelled Marvel to its preeminent position in the comic book industry. His cocreations include Spider-Man, the Incredible Hulk, the X-Men, the Fantastic Four, Iron Man, and hundreds of others. While the Chairman Emeritus of Marvel, he was also the Chief Creative Officer of POW! Entertainment, where he created numerous new characters and stories in areas including publishing, film, reality TV, stage, documentary, and multimedia.
Dal 1965, Roy Thomas ha scritto per il cinema, la televisione e in particolare per i fumetti. Con i notevoli contributi su Avengers, X-Men, Conan the Barbarian, Incredible Hulk, e Star Wars, è stato editor della Marvel negli anni 1965–80 e redattore capo dal 1972 al 1974. Attualmente dirige Alter Ego e scrive su Tarzan, striscia online e occasionalmente un libro di fumetti. Vive nella Carolina del Sud con la moglie Dann.
The Stan Lee Story
Copertina rigida, 25 x 34 cm, 4.09 kg, 576 pagineISBN 978-3-8365-8758-7
Edizione: IngleseNon sono state ancora pubblicate recensioni per questo articolo. Sii il primo a valutare questo prodotto.