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OTT 2024

Arts & Architecture 1950–1954


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Edizione: IngleseDisponibilità: Coming soon

Ambiziosa e impegnata, la rivista Arts & Architecture celebrava il cambiamento e l'innovazione in ambito politico, sociale e soprattutto culturale. Questa selezione raccoglie i punti salienti della rivista dal 1950 al 1954, con un'attenzione particolare all'architettura americana di metà secolo e ai suoi pionieri, tra cui Richard Neutra, Eero Saarinen e Charles & Ray Eames.

Copertina rigida9.8 x 12.6 in.7.88 lb696 pagine
OTT 2024
Arts & Architecture 1950–1954

Arts & Architecture 1950–1954


I migliori anni della nostra vita

La fondamentale rivista di architettura risorge

From the end of World War II until the mid-1960s, exciting things were happening in American architecture. Emerging talents were focusing on innovative projects that integrated at once modern design and low-cost materials. The trend was most notably embodied in the famous Case Study House Program, a blueprint for modern habitation championed by the era’s leading American journal, Arts & Architecture.

The complete facsimile of the ambitious and groundbreaking Arts & Architecture was published by TASCHEN in 2008 as a limited edition. This new curation—directed and produced by Benedikt Taschen—brings together the magazine’s highlights from 1950 to 1954, with a special focus on mid-century American architecture and its luminary pioneers including Richard Neutra, Eero Saarinen, and Charles & Ray Eames.

A celebration of a politically, socially and culturally engaged publication, this special selection is also a testimony to one of the most unique and influential eras in the history of American architecture.

Arts & Architecture 1950–1954
Copertina rigida25 x 32 cm3.57 kg696 pagine

ISBN 978-3-7544-0050-0

Edizione: Inglese
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